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Teacher strengths

Teachers   are   like   an   orchestra   leader,  directing and controlling the language behavior of students.On the other hand, students are the imitators of the teachers model or the tapes they supply of model speakers.They follow the teachers instructions as accurately as possible.Students shouldn’t   read  to  finish  the  given  task  only,but   they  should   read  for  pleasure  and  for  educating  their selves and this is shown  in  many  periods  that  I  have   observed in some schools. 
 One of the teachers strengths is helping students when they stumble a bit in their repetition of the idea related to the lesson.In addition Positive reinforcement is important in helping the students develop correct habits.This is proved when the teachers says ," Very Good",to students who are really participating and interacting with her. This is very critical and important thing i should follow with my students , because without encouraging and reinforcing students for learning they will not succeed. Also what i appreciates the most is the quick revision that teacher does before starting with a new task.Its a Brain storm that enhances critical thinking and solves any defect they are suffering from.Such revision will activate their knowledge and let them pour all what they have learned.
This is really important ans serious methods i will follow in my teaching career.
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  1. The strength of the teacher lies in finding multiple ways to motivate students in a way that suits his personality.The greater the love of the teacher to the pupils, the more the student's love her teacher and increases school results.

  2. The strength and the weakness of the teacher depends on the teacher. Teacher can make the consequences understandable promotes autonomy,... . It is important for the teacher to show his/her hard skills. for examples, classroom management, curriculum development, or technology integration. These skills will build credibility, it shows you really are good at what you are claiming.

  3. Positive reinforcement helps teachers to improve points of weakness in students and enhance their abilities to reach their full potential.A teacher must always be positive and show appreciation to students' achievements. Regarding revision you have witnessed at the beginning of a teaching session ,it's a complementary strategy.We call it bridging between a new lesson and the previous one.


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