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Reflection on educational technology

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1. Blog: is an Effective tool for collaboration and Discussion. It enables us to read and write posts and reflections about specific topics also it  provide a space of communication between followers to that they can keep their comments or their feedback on others posts.  

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2.Google Drive: is a storage system for Documents and to store videos and files and other types of files in the cloud. Furthermore, it is very beneficial for teachers,  since its accessible from wherever they  have internet so they  upload the file into goggle drive form their home computer then open your drive on your phone or work computer and get the same file.

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 3.  Goggle Docs: is a powerful tool that teachers can use through their teaching process. Such tool  help the teachers create and share Documents and it enhances the collaboration sense between them so that they can edit a document at the same time while seeing each others changes simultaneously.

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4. Webinar: It makes online education flexible and easy. so students and teachers could take online courses anywhere and anytime regardless of their location.
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5. Padlet:  It act as a card Board  which is an  important tool for any classroom. It allows students to share notes, documents and opinions with their classmates and discuss the ideas with each other.

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6. Web Quest:  Is a type of assignment which asks the students to develop some certain skills or to solve a specific problem. It is  very useful for teachers and students in terms of learning such it  motivates students and involve them in the learning process and by using this technique students work become more easier at the same time meaningful learning.  
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7. Rubistar: It is an  Effective tool that makes teachers job easier. It allows them to create free rubrics  for classroom projects so that students will be aware of required materials that they must know and the standards they must met. 
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8. Active inspire : It is important to have active inspire in the schools. Where teachers can  create and design lessons and activities that grasp students attention. And the most important point is that it give the opportunities for students with different learning styles to be engaged in the learning process.

Image result for kahoot assessment tool
9. Kahoot: Another technology in the classroom. This technique is more like a game that  benefits both teacher and students  such that  teachers  can create quizzes about any subject and  see if students truly understand the material. In addition, it has a positive impact on students achievement and engagement in the class. 

10. VCT: It was very  helpful to make a final project (power point) at the level of academic and cooperative work . In this VCT we try to use as much as we can from techniques that we took through the semester that enhances students understanding also that makes the materials more clear and authentic. 


  1. i attend one of the webinar about how to motivate students to read and write so as a confirmation of your words about the webinars and i benefited a lot in teaching

  2. Attending a webinar is a nice experience to have, it allows us to communicate widely and deliver information while we are sitting in front of the screen. Also, the nice of it is the questions that are asked and the conservations that are done while discussing the issue.
    Really it is interesting to register in these events from time to another.


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