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Gifted Students:
Children are gifted when their ability is significantly above the norm of their Age.They exist in all societies and countries despite their economic and educational level. It is up to us as adults and teachers to know how to deal with gifted individuals to maximize their intellectual abilities. 
Image result for picture for gifted students

The most Common Characteristics of Gifted students:

    • Excellent memory and thinking abilities 
    • High curiosity Level 
    • Creativity and High imagination 
    • Preferring o work independently even being good in leadership
    • Being Easily bored with routine tasks
    • They have an unusual advanced vocabulary for their age or grade level 
    • Being Self-motivated 
    • Learning Basic skills quickly and with little practice     
Recommendation For Teachers:

  1. Make  the Curriculum student-Centered. It is important that teachers in the very beginning of the year make a complete interest inventory. In this way , teachers can be sure that the curriculum will be personalized to their interest.
  2. Keep student Active: Gifted student need to have the ability to move while they are learning.
  3. Allow students to follow independent projects based on their own interests 
  4. Involve students in academic contests 
  5. Allow for Grouping.
There is a lot of recommendations the teacher can use while teaching Gifted students.


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