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Inquiry-Based Learning Method

Inquiry Learning:

This model is used to teach a specific concept and leads the way to open inquiry where the students formulates his own problem to investigate.
Implementing Inquiry Lesson :
Implementing inquiry lessons occur in five phases:

    1. Identify Problem
    2. Generate Hypothesis 
    3. Gather Data 
    4. Assess Hypothesis
    5. Generalize    


Teacher  in Grade six  discusses baking procedure for the students at the beginning of the lesson, she provide the students with information about bread-making process. Part of her explanation a student raises his-her hand and asks " why do you have to knead   so long?
part of lesson , the students start gathering information , assess their hypothesis and finally Generalizing it. Where the student in grade six suggest  that through mixing affect the yeast , which affect how well the Bread will rise. They suggest to take a batch of dough and separate it into three parts and then knead them for Different amount of time. Finally, then discuss the results that relate them to hypothesis. and Generalize that Bread must be kneaded  an adequate amount but kneading beyond that amount doesn't matter.

Inquiry Students vs Traditional Students.

In Inquiry-Based Science Education, children become engaged in the activities and thinking process that enhance the way to produce a new knowledge.In Contrast, to the traditional classroom which is characterized by Direct and unilateral instruction,where there is a fixed body of knowledge that the students must come to know. 


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