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My Journey in Chemistry

Image result for Love chemistryWhat I Should Do when I enter the university?
Why I Love Chemistry? 
That's  all because of my Chemistry Teacher in the High School. 
Our experiences influence the formation of our attitude, desires, and purposes (Dewey 1938). Similarly, the experiences of the students in the science classroom determine the subject that they will do in the future. My experience with chemistry start in grade 12, were my chemistry teacher changed my view on chemistry. Chemistry is not just what a few people do in their laboratories but instead it’s a study related to our lives, something that everyone can understand and participate.
Abe  et al  (2014) claimed: The goodness of education of a nation could be determined by the quality of her teachers. The most important factor in improving students’ achievement in science is by use capable teachers in schools. Accordingly, my experience with chemistry in grade 12 change my view about what everyone said about chemistry ,and this is because a qualified teacher that follow methods and strategies that makes chemistry easier, closer and more interesting. 

My High school chemistry teacher was terrific, she has effective strategy in making students excited to attend her class. The teacher  help the students in accurate organization of information(Walls 1999).Furthermore she makes the difficult topics easy to understand by using variety of technology that support the ideas. Using the correct teaching method helps any student learn or master knowledge and skills (Odubiyi 1988) also she provided personalized example in order to get closer and closer to chemistry and living chemistry in our everyday lives. When we take in the college about chemical reaction and half-life I immediately remember my teacher example in the high school when she says that bananas release ethylene gas directly into the air so If you place a ripe banana next to a green tomato, the tomato will ripen, too, also another example  is about half-life we use it  to know the age of old tablet  also was used by the scientist to  determine the age of   the Dinosaurs and this done by calculation the half-life of  carbon 14 that already has a specific half- time, so the great teacher can” shift- gears”, the teacher needs to present new ways when lesson is not working to make sure that every student understands the idea(Orlando  2013)   The teacher uses different strategies to make the concept easy for us furthermore it makes the material memorable not only understandable by the students. 
My high school chemistry teacher has a wonderful and bright classroom full of love, caring and activity and the smile doesn’t leave her face, we always feel safe and comfortable in her class to ask questions and to participate in the session additionally the teacher always keep us connected and motivated us by its encouragement words such as your ideas are wonderful, sweet!  And most important statement the teacher always said it “I believe, I could, so I did “really this statement make you feel that you are capable and you can make a difference it seems like she put her faith in you. While studying to the official exams she gave us a private teaching at homes each 2 week in order to help us if anyone have a question. Really, she was not only a professional teacher, she was our friend! 

Odubiyi, O.  (1988). Perceptions of Iowa vocational agricultural teachers regarding teaching methods used in agricultural education.
Walls, T.  (1999). Psychological foundations of learning, Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2.
Orlando, M. (2013). Nine characteristics of a Great teacher
Abe, T.   (2014). The effect of teachers’ qualifications on students’ performance in mathematics. Sky Journal of Educational Research, Vol 2, No. 10.


  1. I like that because I also studied Chemistry because of the great influence of my high school teacher. He was one of the most skillful teachers to be giving chemistry in secondary classes. The teacher had one of the best strategies in presenting info and solving problems and followed the most effective way to deal with students especially those who hated Chemistry. Most of the students who took with him agree on his powerful ability in building good relationships with students and maintaining healthy classroom climate throughout the learning process.


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