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Questioning Strategy

The positive and negative behaviors exhibited by teachers determine their effectiveness in the classroom and the impact they have on student’s achievement. In essence, as teachers we are trying to develop greater level of thinking with our students, and this can be performed according to the types of knowledge the teacher apply in the class.  Although the teachers do not adopt a lot of competencies while teaching  one of the most important competences is Questioning .It is  very effective and it develop interest and motivate students to become actively involved in lessons and stimulate students to pursue knowledge on their own and ask their own questions.
Paul and elder (2000) state that thinking is not driven by answers but by questions. Questioning is essential in order to keep the students think, and the effective teachers have to constantly ask questions rather than giving the idea directly to the students. Subsequently, questioning in the classroom can cause student participation which is an important aspect of student learning. Cotton (2001) claimed that Instruction which includes posing questions is more effective in producing achievement gains than instruction carried out without questioning students. Fortunately, this cause students to speak up in class, they learn to express their ideas in a way that others can understand.  Also, can cause then to ask questions, so they can learn how to obtain information to enhance their own understanding of a topic. 
Example : 
At the beginning of the session she asks the students questions about what they have taken in the last lecture and she promotes questions and discussions about how the elements are distributed in the periodic table. Moreover, another aspect was found in the class that makes student thinks and challenge their thinking. when she puts the picture of the dogs and she keeps students analyze the main objective of this picture.  


  1. Questioning is one of the most important informal check for student's understanding. Not only teachers can get a direct response form a student when they ask a question , but also they can manifest how much they pay attention and to what level they understand what has been said. But teachers must take into consideration the wait time in which when they ask any question, they must wait for at least 3 seconds to get an answer back.

  2. Asking question is one of the strategy to assess students whether they understand or not. It helps student to test their knowledge and let them to understand what they don't understand. Questions its a natural gift for students. Teachers should give students time to respond to their answer before and after posing the question.

  3. Students never learn anything talking, they only learn when they ask questions, this is a very important skill that we should improve in classroom, asking questions, stimulating student's thinking process. Real teaching should be 10% asking students questions and 90% inspiring students to ask questions that you as a teacher can't even answer!


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