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Society and Education

The Strong relationship between society and education
We live all in in a society which has its own set rules and one of them is education. Education is a major institution in most societies that influence human behavior and mirror the entire society. It helps us become an active member of the society and participate in the ongoing changes and development. Education is what we need if we want an answer to our what, How and where questions. It helps us to understand the world we live in. we get to know more about our surroundings.
 There is a strong relationship between society and education that it is not possible to separate them because what happens to one aects the other.   This is because of the fact that what happens to the educational system definitely aects the society, and whatever occurs in the society influences the educational system.
Education has multiple functions, all of which have a direct or indirect impact on society. Ottway (1980) states that “one of the main functions of education is to transfer the cultural values of a society to its child. Society ensures that its traditional modes of life are conserved through education.
Emile Durkheim (1893) a French sociologist says that the major function of education is the transmission of society’s norms and values. He maintains that, “society can survive only if there exists among its members a sufficient degree of homogeneity; education can fix on the child mind from the beginning the essential characteristics”. In his opinion, the task of all society is the creation of coherence within its members.
Education in particular, provides a link between the individual and society. If the history of his society is brought alive to the child, he will come to see that he is a part of something larger than himself, he will develop a sense of commitment to the social group., it gives him a sense of belonging. Durkheim argues that to become attached to society the child must feel in it something that is real, alive and powerful, which dominates the person and to which he also owes the best.
However, education also needs to prepare a society for change because of the new inventions. As John Dewey states that education should be in the forefront of change, he also recognized the need to prepare the child for the existing society before working for change.

Education not only transmits a general rules and culture norms which makes up the system. It also changes the attitudes and behavior required by the members of the society. It teaches children to accept and submit the new inventions and allowed to take a positive role in changing the bad ideas and to get rid of the experiences that influences every single person in this world.

·        Dewey,J (1980). Democracy and Education, An introduction to the philosophy of education .
·        Ottaway,A (1980),Education and society, An introduction to the Sociology of education.
·        Durkheim,E.(1893)The Division of Labour in Society, Social instruction and education. Page 47-53.


  1. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) said that: Education has for its object the formation of a character.In fact,if a character or an individual is educated ,he would be capable to serve his society and in return his country. That's why in Lebanon,they started rebuilding the educational system. It is known as Educational Reform which is reflected in the adoption of the new educational system,the new curricula and the new textbooks.Educated citizens can serve their country and they are ready to face the challenges.

  2. Education plays a vital role in reshaping our society by embedding skills, values and habits helpful for cooperation, involvement and participation in different society events. For instance, educated people are more likely to understand everything going in the country like politics. Also, research has shown the more a society contains educated people, the less the percentage of crimes and violent actions occur.

  3. Education assumes a fundamental part in reshaping our general public by implanting abilities, qualities and propensities supportive for collaboration, inclusion and cooperation in various society occasions. For example, taught individuals will probably comprehend everything going in the nation like governmental issues. Likewise, look into has demonstrated the more a general public contains taught individuals, the less the level of violations and fierce activities happen.


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