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Showing posts from April, 2018

Disrupting poverty:Five Powerful Classroom Practices

Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices: In teaching, teachers should be eclectic on what they want to explain in class, make smart choices and use appropriate strategies that fulfill students’ needs and goals. They are source of guidance and leadership in the classroom. As known, teachers have an immense impact on student’s success especially providing them with full attention so they can be able to feel valued and comfortable through learning. Due to the significance of teaching nowadays, attending this webinar is a good experience I has passed through. It is effective for me to know the impact of  poverty on students achievement and it’s important to how to Deal with it. The Instructor was talking concerning Disrupting poverty: 5 powerful classroom tools teachers must follow. The presenter mentioned those tools which might be summarized as follows: 1. Caring Relationship and support: 2. High Expectation and Support 3. Professional accountability for Learning

Boom's Taxonomy

  The Best Education when the students are challenged. Blooms Taxonomy helps educators develop critical thinking and higher order cognitive abilities in students( Blooms 2008). In order to provide a framework of the objective, the teacher can build their lesson through blooms Taxonomy. And the most important point that we shed light on, is that the first levels of thinking must be mastered before the next one , from the simple one to the complex level to  guide students to higher level of thinking. The Link Between the First two levels of thinking.  The first the level of thinking that can be adopted by teachers in classroom is knowing(knowledge). This level of thinking activates students background in order to build on the previous ones , in other words, recall  basic concepts related to the subject of interest. Age(2009) stated that you would need the prerequisites of knowledge how to walk before you would learn to run , which means learning information without the proper p


Gifted Students: Children are gifted when their ability is significantly above the norm of their Age.They exist in all societies and countries despite their economic and educational level. It is up to us as adults and teachers to know how to deal with gifted individuals to maximize their intellectual abilities.  The most Common Characteristics of Gifted students: Excellent memory and thinking abilities  High curiosity Level  Creativity and High imagination  Preferring o work independently even being good in leadership Being Easily bored with routine tasks They have an unusual advanced vocabulary for their age or grade level  Being Self-motivated  Learning Basic skills quickly and with little practice      Recommendation For Teachers: Make  the Curriculum student-Centered. It is important that teachers in the very beginning of the year make a complete interest inventory. In this way , teachers can be sure that the curriculum will be personalized to their interest.

Inquiry-Based Learning Method

Inquiry Learning: This model is used to teach a specific concept and leads the way to open inquiry where the students formulates his own problem to investigate. Implementing Inquiry Lesson : Implementing inquiry lessons occur in five phases: Identify Problem Generate Hypothesis  Gather Data  Assess Hypothesis Generalize     Example : Teacher  in Grade six  discusses baking procedure for the students at the beginning of the lesson, she provide the students with information about bread-making process. Part of her explanation a student raises his-her hand and asks " why do you have to knead   so long? part of lesson , the students start gathering information , assess their hypothesis and finally Generalizing it. Where the student in grade six suggest  that through mixing affect the yeast , which affect how well the Bread will rise. They suggest to take a batch of dough and separate it into three parts and then knead them for Different amount of time. Finally, then

Society and Education

The Strong relationship between society and education We live all in in a society which has its own set rules and one of them is education. Education is a major institution in most societies that influence human behavior and mirror the entire society. It helps us become an active member of the society and participate in the ongoing changes and development. Education is what we need if we want an answer to our what, How and where questions. It helps us to understand the world we live in. we get to know more about our surroundings.   There is a strong relationship between society and education that it is not possible to separate them because what happens to one a ff ects the other.    This is because of the fact that what happens to the educational system definitely a ff ects the society, and whatever occurs in the society influences the educational system. Education has multiple functions, all of which have a direct or indirect impact on society. Ottway (1980) states that “one of

Questioning Strategy

The positive and negative behaviors exhibited by teachers determine their effectiveness in the classroom and the impact they have on student’s achievement. In essence, as teachers we are trying to develop greater level of thinking with our students, and this can be performed according to the types of knowledge the teacher apply in the class.  Although the teachers do not adopt a lot of competencies while teaching  one of the most important competences is Questioning  .It is  very effective and it develop interest and motivate students to become actively involved in lessons and stimulate students to pursue knowledge on their own and ask their own questions. Paul and elder (2000) state that thinking is not driven by answers but by questions. Questioning is essential in order to keep the students think, and the effective teachers have to constantly ask questions rather than giving the idea directly to the students. Subsequently, questioning in the classroom can cause student particip

My Journey in Chemistry

What I Should Do when I enter the university? Why I Love Chemistry?  That's  all because of my Chemistry Teacher in the High School.  Our experiences influence the formation of our attitude, desires, and purposes (Dewey 1938). Similarly, the experiences of the students in the science classroom determine the subject that they will do in the future. My experience with chemistry start in grade 12, were my chemistry teacher changed my view on chemistry. Chemistry is not just what a few people do in their laboratories but instead it’s a study related to our lives, something that everyone can understand and participate. Abe   et al   (2014) claimed:  The goodness of education of a nation could be determined by the quality of her teachers. The most important factor in improving students’ achievement in science is by use capable teachers in schools. Accordingly, my experience with chemistry in grade 12 change my view about what everyone said about chemistry ,and this is because